***Only currently available in South Florida***
Have you been in real estate search mode and ever drive past a property with a sign on the lawn? Do you tell yourself "ooh, I want to see that house NOW". You call the real estate agents number, but no answer. Do you drive away disappointed??
Well, with the See It Pronto! app, you now have the power to summon other nearby real estate agents to show you the property. Everyone wins: You see the property. The sellers real agent is happy that the property received a visit. Lastly, the nearby real estate agent you summoned is happy because he or she has planted a seed that could lead to a commission.
*100% accurate and immediate information as you search the complete MLS database in real-time!
*Schedule real time appointments when you want without having to worry about tracking down the right person.
*You will not be placed on a mailing list or being hounded by an over zealous agent.
*Your info protected until you meet the real estate agent who fits you just right and you decide that you are ready to move forward with that agent.
*You see the property on your schedule and on your terms.
Real Estate Agents
Are you a real estate listing agent with tons of listings, many of them vacant and super easy to show? Cant be in two places at once? Then take better control of your listings and schedule by updating real-time showing availability of your listings.
Are you sitting around the office or at home waiting for the phone to ring? Are you advertising and getting leads that you are getting dont seem to pan out? Make yourself Active and respond to show requests.
*Using Beacon technology, a listing agent can turn your property into a See It Pronto! property.
*Once the beacons are turned on, any real estate agent within the vicinity will be able to show that property at the press of a button.
*Buyers need to register before they request a real estate agent. Verification includes credit card info.
*Impress the buyer and they can request you for every future See It Later showing going forward.
*Capture more buyers with whom you would have never interacted otherwise
*Receive real time feedback on your listing.
*Feedback can go to seller unfiltered as it comes in.
*Increase your potential client base by reaching out to buyers/renters in your geographic area. For those that work from home or their building, you can become the GO TO Showing Agent.
*Promote your services and showcase your real estate expertise.
Feedback always welcome. Please email us anytime at: info@seeitpronto.com